Settings for the HxSearchBox
and derived components.
Name | Type | Description |
ClearIcon | IconBase |
Icon displayed in the input on the selection clear button when an item is selected. |
CssClass | string |
Additional CSS classes for the wrapping div . |
Delay | int? |
The debounce delay in milliseconds. |
InputCssClass | string |
Additional CSS classes for the search box input. |
InputGroupCssClass | string |
Custom CSS class to render with the input-group span. |
InputSize | InputSize? |
The input size. |
ItemCssClass | string |
Additional CSS classes for the items in the dropdown menu. |
ItemSelectionBehavior | SearchBoxItemSelectionBehavior? |
The behavior when the item is selected. |
LabelType | LabelType? |
The label type. |
MinimumLength | int? |
The minimum number of characters to start suggesting. |
SearchIcon | IconBase |
Icon displayed in the input when no item is selected. |
SearchIconPlacement | SearchBoxSearchIconPlacement? |
Spellcheck | bool? |
Defines whether the input may be checked for spelling errors. |